We support new way of working in organizations and teams that fits you just right.


We are proud to announce our newest product:

A platform that helps any team with team development


What we do:

Inspiration and experimenting

Curious about the future of work? We give a taste of what this looks like with engaging stories and presentations, games and workshops. Change starts with a good dose of self-knowledge, proper preparation and information. We help to determine a starting point and clear goals.


Implementation of a new way of working

Agile organization comes in many forms. To choose a type which suits your organization best is where we can help you. Our most important objective is that it the way of working that fits your organization purpose and goals best, it should feel like coming home.


Changing internal processes

When you develop your organization step-by-step, you’ll notice that the internal processes have to change as well. Certain fixed elements in your organization are suddenly questionable. Do they still serve the purpose of your organization? Do they work well in the new way of working? With our clients, we notice changes in recruitment or performance interviews but also in defining strategy and how to make information transparent.


Personal development

A new way of working often includes developing new skills. Maybe you are working with different team members, adopted the role of a facilitator or it could be helpful to take a good look at your way of working. We help you increase personal productivity, how to give feedback that is well received or how to start a difficult (or courageous) conversation.


We deliver a custom implementation that fits your organization.

We help organization with the transition since 2016.


Would you like to reach us? Send an email to hello@organizationbuilders.com!