An organization model just as scalable as the company (Blanco)
“Without OrganizationBuilders we could not have gotten the clarity we now have in our way of working. We trusted OrganizationBuilders to get us through the early implementation of Holacracy not putting our primary business at risk. Koen is a very enthusiastic, clear communicator, guiding us expertly through the sometimes complex matters in implementing Holacracy”
What did they need?
As Asset Management technology and service provider we want to combine an entrepreneurial, innovative culture with being a solid, trustworthy partner to Asset and Wealth Managers. Providing them with the technology and services that will make them and their clients successful. As disrupter in the Financial sector, we don’t want to become a slow-moving bureaucratic organization.
During the early days of a Fintech, a lot of the work just emerges and is done “by the team”. With the pace we are growing Blanco, we were in need of clarity and alignment while not taking time and speed away from building the business.
What did we do?
In a very targeted, week-by-week approach we integrated Holacracy as our way of working. The success of our implementation laid in combining the actual challenges and out organizational culture in our business with Holacratic solutions. Gradually Experiencing and learning how to apply Holacracy optimally.
What are the results?
Implementing Holacracy allows us to do work very efficiently and build a stronger and healthier organization step by step. We are proud that in a regulated sector we can integrate the requirements of the regulator in a very pragmatic way of working anchored in our effective governance.
Additional to building a Fintech business we are also able to attract incredible talent. The kind of talent that chooses to work for an organization that has a shared purpose and provides a lot of autonomy. A great proposition which is hard to match by traditional organizations and with Holacracy more tangible than just a few promising words in a recruitment brochure.